We didn't mean to.....

I didn't plan to
but ended up meeting you...
on life's highway

You didn't mean to
but ended up fascinated...

We didn't mean to
but ended up talking
for hours......

I didn't mean to
but got persuaded
to stay on as a friend...

You didn't mean to
but held on
without rhyme or reason....

I didn't mean to
but ended up caring
enough to call and check on you
now and then...

You didn't mean to
but ended up sharing
what you couldn't share
with the rest of the world...

I didn't mean to
confide so intimately
all my life in a nutshell....

You didn't mean to
but ended up closer
much closer then you meant to....

I didn't mean to
get intertwined in your thoughts
as if I was living your life

You didn't mean to
resent my offhand approach
but you did....

I didn't mean to
get misunderstood
but I did....

You didn't mean to
be abrasive
but you did...

We didn't mean to
hurt each other
but we did....

I didn't want to
leave the highway
but I did.....

You didn't want to
let me go
but you did....


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