A Timeless Wonder

I met you ages ago
I was not even born
You had not yet died

I remember you !

In different worlds
And different times
We merged

And fell apart
To merge again

I remember you !

My yearnings bear the cross
Of the wrongs I have done you

Your scars bear the tales
Of the times you've killed me

I remember you !

We fall
To rise again
To fall in love once more

Picking you up
To throw me back again

I remember you !

You are the black to my white
I am the bad to your good

You've left me alone
across many births
And now I leave you

I remember you !

We've fallen in lust
And we've fallen in love
To hate once more
Across our lives

I remember you !

You've given me pain
And I've given you loss
You've given me bliss
And I've given you peace

You remember me !

Across our lives
We've lived and learned
To unlearn again

What is your purpose
And mine in this world
We love and we hate
And we lose again

You remember me !

Has the time has come
In this day and age
Across all battles
Across all rage
That we remember 'us' !?


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