I care

“Who Cares?” he says
I do….
A lot……..
I care
when you are happy, sad or angry
when you are too busy
or when you are unwell
when you travel so much I fret about your health
I care
When I can’t see you or decide not to see you
For days on end
Sometimes happy sometimes sad for my own decisions
I care
When I see you and decide to ignore you
Or feel that you have ignored me
I feel bad
When our egos collide
my ego gets the better of me
Or your ego gets the better of you
When I won’t acknowledge your presence
Or you don’t mine
I still care... a lot
When I see you but can’t talk to you
Sitting at the same table
Chitchatting with others
About life, food, movies, your opinions
I care... a lot
When I hate you
Want to hit you
Scream at you
I still care...
When you get drunk
And squeeze my arm
When you pass me by
I am confused
I wait, for something more to go on...
But you don’t give me any more to go on with…..
And my courage fails me, to try again
Can’t risk rejection so many times
Now it is your turn to be clear on what you want and don’t want
I can’t take these decisions for you
I am left caring... alone...
When you give me the silent treatment
And go into hibernation
After every ‘encounter!’
Bruising my heart, hurting me, humiliating me
I care
When you talk about acquisitions and I talk about mergers
When you decide to ignore my mails
Or not thank me for the favors I do you
And I don’t thank you for the ones you have done me
You think I don’t but I do care... a lot
When you don’t wish me on my birthday
And make me miserable
And I want to do the same to you
I still care
When I curse you, want to make life hell for you
Shake you up, hit you
Make you pay for every bruise that you have given me
I am angry
But I do care... a lot
I am waiting, hoping that ‘this too shall pass’
Hoping that I stop caring
Hoping to get on with my life
Leaving you behind, just in memories
Which will not pain me so much after a time
Waiting... for time to pass
So that I stop caring
Meanwhile... I still care... a lot…
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